Springbrooks PP String Wound Filter Cartridge


The PP String Wound Cartridge Filters are made from FDA-approved polypropylene, featuring a honeycomb structure with loose outer and tightly wound inner layers. The surface area is maximized by the diamond-shaped depth filtration cones. These filters are engineered for high flow rates, low pressure drops, and excellent dirt holding capacity, making them suitable for various industrial applications. They offer a cost-effective solution for reducing fine sediments like sand, silt, rust, and scale particles.

Operational Data:

  • Maximum Operating Temperature: 60℃ (140℉)
  • Maximum ΔP:
    • 3.0 bar at 27℃ (43 psi at 80℉)
    • 2.0 bar at 60℃ (29 psi at 140℉)
    • 1.0 bar at 60℃ (14 psi at 140℉)
  • Liquid Flow Direction: Outside to inside
  • Recommend Change Over ΔP: 2.5 bar at 20℃


  • Drinking water filter
  • Petrochemical process
  • Pre-RO water filtration
  • Chemical filter solution
  • Electronics and semicon
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