Gems 225200

Range6′ to 26.2′ (1.8 m to 8 m)
Accuracy± 0.2% of span in air
Resolution0.039″ (1 mm)
Beam Width3″ (7.6 cm) dia.
Dead Band8″ (20 cm)
Display TypeLCD, 6-digit
Display UnitsInch, cm or percent
Display ModeAir gap or liquid height
Supply Voltage12-28 VDC
Loop Resistance500 Ohms @ 24 VDC
Signal Output4-20 mA, two-wire
Signal Invert4-20 mA or 20-4 mA
CalibrationPush button
Fail-SafetySelectable 4 mA, 20 mA, 21 mA, 22 mA or hold
Process Temp.-7°F to +140°F (-20°C to +71°C)
Temp. Comp.Automatic
Electronics Temp.-40°F to +160°F (-40°C to +71°C)
Pressure30 PSI (2 bar) @ 25°C, derated @ 1.667 PSI (0.113 bar) per °C above 25°C
Enclosure RatingNEMA 4X (IP65)
Enclosure VentWater tight membrane
Enclosure MaterialPC/ABS FR
Trans. MaterialPVDF
Process Mount2″ NPT (2″ G)
Mount. GasketViton®
Conduit EntranceDual, 1/2″ NPT
ClassificationGeneral Purpose
CE ComplianceEN 61326 EMC

Datasheet: Gems_UCL-520-Datasheet
Instruction Manual: Gems_UCL-520_Manual

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