Anderson-Negele FH3/FH4 Digital Temperature Gauge

SKU: FH3/FH4 Category:

The Anderson-Negele DTG Digital Temperature Gauge carries on the tradition of accurate and reliable electronic temperature indication while incorporating many new features tailored to a growing industry. Health concerns related to mercury continue to grow, and the days of the traditional (MIG) mercury-in-glass
the thermometer on the process floor is numbered.
As regulations in the Retort Cooker industry change and plants look to adopt new technology, the DTG is there to offer a solution. Building on a solid platform of
accuracy and reliability, the DTG incorporates additional features specific to this demanding market. Redundant temperature elements provide continuous error
checking. Unlike traditional MIGs or simple off-the-shelf components, this unique feature provides backup so your process can continue to run, with no emergency downtime. Certification of calibration against a NIST traceable source is provided with each unit. For facilities with in-house Metrology capability, the DTG offers up to five user-configurable calibration

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