Digital Indicators
Digital Indicators are electronic devices used to display and measure various physical quantities, such as length, weight, temperature, pressure, or voltage. They typically consist of a sensor or transducer that detects the quantity being measured, a processor that converts the sensor’s output into a digital signal, and a display or interface that shows the measured value in a numerical or graphical format. Digital Indicators can be programmed to perform various functions, such as peak or minimum detection, data storage, or communication with other devices or systems. They are commonly used in industries such as manufacturing, engineering, laboratory testing, and quality control, where accurate and reliable measurement of physical quantities is critical for ensuring product quality, safety, and regulatory compliance.
Showing 1–24 of 136 results
Precision Digital PD6770 Loop-Powered Meter
Loop-Powered NEMA 4X/IP65 Enclosure Large Digits Backlight Option
Contrec 515-GN04 Natural Gas Flow Computer
Natural Gas Flow Computer (AGA – 8) -Differential Pressure Flow Meter (ISO/Cone)
Precision Digital PD6600 Loop Leader Loop-Powered Process Meter
Loop-Powered Bargraph or Feet & Inches Level Indicator
Precision Digital PD8-7000 ProtEX-MAX Temperature Meter
- Worldwide Explosion-Proof Approvals
- Thermocouple or RTD Input
- Dual Line Display
Precision Digital PD8-765 Process and Temperature Meter
- Big Display
- Worldwide Explosion-Proof Approvals
- Universal Inputs
Precision Digital PD6730 Vantageview NEMA 4X Pulse Input Flow Totalizer
Pulse input field mount flow rate totalizer
Input: 0~60mA DC
Output: 0(1)~5 V or 0~10 V
Aux Power: AC 115/230VContrec 515-GN14 Natural Gas Flow Computer
Natural Gas Flow Computer (SGERG) – Differential Pressure Flow Meter (ISO/Cone)
Contrec 515-GC06 Ideal Gas Flow Computer
Ideal Gas Computer – DP Meter (Volumetric Span)
Contrec 515-GN11 Natural Gas Flow Computer
Natural Gas Flow Computer (SGERG) – Quadrature Input
Adtek CS2-TM-Pulse Flow Totalizer
Pulse input indicator, Flow Totalizer and Batch Control
Precision Digital PD2-6060 Helios Dual Analog Input Process Meter
Large Display with USB Programming Math Functions
Contrec 515-FN01 Net Oil Flow Computer
Net Oil Flow Computer, Tailored for Frequency Output Mass Flow Meters
Gems 163000 Series Visual Level Indicators
- Large 4-digit Display
- Bright LED Bargraph
Precision Digital PD6820 Loop-Powered Flow Rate Totalizer
Intrinsically Safe & Nonincendive flow totalizer
Precision Digital PD9000 ConsoliDator+ Multivariable Controller
A multi-channel controller that is both easy to use and satisfies a wide variety of process display
Contrec 515-FA02 Add/Subtract Flow Computer
Add/Subtract Flow Computer – 2 Channel Input (Mass)
Contrec 202Ai ATEX Flow Rate Totalizer
Loop Powered Type ATEX Flow Totalizer
Precision Digital PD8-6001 ProtEX-MAX Level Meter
- Worldwide Explosion-Proof Approvals
- Feet & Inches Display
- Pump Alternation
- USB Programming
Precision Digital PD6900-HA ProtEX+ Explosion-Proof & I.S. Loop-Powered Indicators
Stay safe in hazardous areas with the PD6900-HA ProtEX+ Indicators. Loop-powered, explosion-proof & I.S. certified for top-notch performance. Dual-line display, 4 CapTouch buttons, alarm outputs & more!
Adtek CS2-TM Analogue Flow Totalizer
Low-Cost Multipurpose Digital Indicator
Contrec 515-SC01 Steam Flow Computer
Frequency Input Steam Computer
Contrec 515-CS12 Condensate and Steam Flow Computer
Condensate and Steam Flow Computer